Blake is our sound guy - he grew up in Jackson, Mississippi.
Q - What is Mississippi like? Is it hot or cold?
Very hot
Q - Where is Mississippi?
South East of the USA
Q - What kind of food is there?
BBQ, Fried Chicken, lots of home grown vegetables, and Grandy's cooking
Q - What is the landscape like?
Very flat with lots of trees.
Q - How many people live in Mississippi?
around 2 million.
Q - what are the fun things to do in Mississippi?
Sports : Soccer teams, American football, volleyball and dodgeball. Blake was also on the swim team.
Hunting and fishing : Hunting deer and turkey, Fishing for bass and catfish. Catfish swims into a bucket in the lake and yo put your arm inside the bucket and let it bite your arm.
There are no sharp teeth so it doesn't hurt and then grab the catfish and pull it out of the water and throw it iback in. They throw it back because they think the fishing is fun. Sometimes they eat the fish but not the poisonous bit on the fin.
What was it like at school?
745 start time with 20 kids in my class.
I like recess*, music class, and art class. Gifted class and then 20 minute lunch. School finished at 3.00.
The class year starts in August.
*recess is breaktime
How old were you when you started school?